Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Handmade dollhouse for LPS =P

Well, guess what? I just finished my handmade doll in a box doll house! So what's better than a you tube video I put together of it and some pics! Here it is...
Youtube video

One more thing, incase you haven't noticed, this is for my LPS (Littlest pet shop) =)

A hobby of mine, Painting...

I like to paint, a lot! Well I guess you have to build some sought of confidence up to understand that you can know what looks right and what doesn't. Hmm.. Let me think, I guess I'm nearly there with the confidence thing, I don't like to think I'm always right with what I add to my paintings so I simply ask my wonderful family! The most truthful person who can tell me what looks good and what doesn't is simply my mum and older sister. Normally my mum just says "Don'y worry, it looks nice." But this feeling itching inside my mind tells me that something is just not right! Well then I go ahead and add more colour or pattern. Sometimes it goes wrong but sometimes it doesn't even make a difference. Let me just tell you, don't let that feeling get to you, it's just your thoughts, so go ahead, kick those thoughts out of your head! Wait, there was this one time when I was doing a painting for my teacher. Guess what, that stupid thought got into my head and I thought I painted awkwardly! Well, you know sometimes when you paint on a layer of paint too much on canvas it peels away well that happened. Then I was using purple paint and the cap was open, suddenly my mum came in the room and stepped on the paint... All of it squished onto the door and walls, (it did look pretty awesome) but anyway I spent 2 hours trying to fix until I went to bed. Then next day my dad bought me a new canvas and I started again. It looked better and neater, so at the end of that I wasted a couple of hours and my purple paint... So never let that thought get to you and just know that you need to be confident and whatever you do it'll be great!